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14 Oct

The Generation of Lovers and Liars

Published by Titor John  - Categories:  #Short story

If you still believe or cuddle so dearly to heart the idea that true love still exists that’s great because I chose not to disagree with you but I advise you to affiliate your sensibility and conscience and then opine twice about it. Sometimes as my dear heart aches with affliction my poor mind convinces me that if there is true love has ever existed on this universe or rather if there is are persons who have ever called love by its real name then it has to be Jack and Rose in Titanic movie and Romeo and Juliet in William Shakespeare’s play. Those are the characters I’ve never cease wondering that I could meet them on solid earth only to congratulate them. Lovers who knew what was meant by real love, lovers who would die and resurrect a million times just to see the smile of the other, am referring to the lovers who would and perhaps without a second thought give up the prize of heaven and earth if they were to be denied their lovers. I mean the ones who would jump into the bottomless pit just to perish with their beloved ones. To some people I, being a victim too, such mere imagination died in the world of fantasy where everything seems to be possible: a world well explained by Carl Max in his work.

Just show it to people how much you love them and you’ve just given them an admittance to hurt you. After all what are supposing to do and that’s the reality? If we can’t stop living then we can’t stop loving. Someone once told me that we are all crazy and it is the only degree that defers. And just like the mad man who would sometimes speak of critical issues until everyone is convinced that their mad man is getting well but give him some minutes and he will speak dirty words only to prove to you that he is more imbecile than you thought of him. That is how human beings are, possessing the character of unpredictable. You simply can’t tell how long someone is going to be good since the mind of human changers with time, today he or she is good but you can’t be sure of how tomorrow he or she is going to be. People will praise you today and criticize you tomorrow, call you sweetest names you’ve never had of only to make you fall into their trap. They won’t cease taking you high to the hills of and the lands of ghetto hood or ever higher to the lands of Leal above the deep blue skies where angels and demons flock together. But have you ever paused for a fraction of a second and ask yourself how long that last?

Trust me that sometime explaining to people what is meant by love is like struggling to define the taste of water. You might challenge me that true love exists but I think it is because you haven’t been betrayed yet, or by telling me that you saw an old couple aging 80 years but still deep smooching in love. My friend listen to this, I too met a sweetest old couple, very old indeed but still together. In the first place I thought it to be true love until I decide to ask the old lady,”oh, seem to be a nice couple, I admire that. But what would you have done if you were taken bake to your twenties?” and this was her response,“ I would not have married him!” so next time you see people ‘deep in love’ think twice before making your conclusions.

I once overheard someone saying that loving someone so completely will never be an assurance that they will love you back the same way. Just a question please, the person you currently love completely is it the first person you’re loving that way? And oh, what happened to your first lover, and how sure are you that the person you love feels the same affection you have towards her? How sure are you that your lover does not have secret desire over someone beautiful of handsome than you? Just ask him or her and they will always lie to you, they will never admit.

Worry not my dear friend since that’s how it was designed to be: person A strongly loves person B while person B is dying for person D who is madly in love with person C who was meant for Z and Z is crying for X who can’t stop thinking of A.

If you really love her (your true love, that is) then why did you seduced that girl and spent your last night with her (yes her, whose name is confidential) and if she really loves you then why did she lie to you last time that she went to see her parents only to spend the night with him (yes him, whose name must not be mentioned)? Oh, I see! So in true love there is sharing of with other people? Hahaha, that is funny, let me laugh. Hahaha, that’s funny in deed. Did I hear you saying that you’ve never seen your lover with such blithering unbecoming behavior? Mm, that’s great and I pray to you that see things that way always.

We are currently dwelling in the generation of lovers and liars who end up forming wicked and fake relations which always lead to broken of hearts into tiny pieces, smashing of long cherished flowers, destroying of the sweet scent and petals of treasured flowers. We are living in the rotten society of no respect in relationship. People no longer care about others feelings. Our cute sweet ladies becoming mothers of dead children and others giving rise to the “fatherless children” whose hearts is already broken, brought up with no love or any sense of human. Trust me if our fore grand fathers would be brought back to life only to find us this way they would beg to have got remain as good dead for eternity than to share their dear moment with us even for a fraction of a second. But that is another story.

This goes to boyfriends and girlfriends and those who are aspiring to get married, I hear they are being called fiancées, which ever the case: just listen, one day in our English literature class our teacher was cracking jocks about love and I thought him moron until now that clear realization had been showed unto me. He was saying this, “whenever you see a girl you know that she has three guys. The first one is the provider (the one who give the girl money), the second is the one is the lover (the one the girl truly loves) and the third one is ‘just by the way (the one who is always close to the girl and always gets free services)” if you don’t mind please, that is, who are you to your girl? Wait, wait please, just relax and spare the answer. The people you meet in life, share ideas with, share happy and sad moments with and without forgetting the ones you’ve have been doing crazy things with when no one was ever there together with the books you read are the two great teachers you will always find on earth! The knowledge and experience gained from them might be very rare but please use it wisely.

I once read a very funny story, don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it-but anyway this is the story: there once lived two true lovers who loved each other beyond measures of man. They treasured one another dearly. Every where they went the guy was not without her and there loved seemed to be like a long journey which always starts from forever and ending at never. The girl had promised the guy a million times that she was more than willing to even to die with him. She swore that if the guy was to live for 65 years then she would live for 64 years because she could not spend one day of her life without him since life without him was useless.

One day the guy came home from job and told his better half that he was suffering from brain tumor and that the doctors had told him that he was going to die any time since the disease had grown severe that it could not be cured. And for a very long period of time the guy seemed to be very unhappy and so was the wife.

Another day the guy returned home and took his wife for an evening walk. As they were waking they came across a cliff and then the guy told his wife that the doctors had just told him that he had less than five hours to live and as a matter of fact he had wished to die with her. The guy proposed that they count one up to ten with their eyes closed then jump over the cliff so that they would perish together. In the begging the girl hesitated but at last she agreed by saying yes. They closed their eyes as the guy counted. Thirteen seconds later the guy opened his eyes and he was alone in the air. He then opened his parachute and landed slowly down the cliff. And yes, the girl never jumped.

They say that love is blind; I don’t know they are but I chose to agree with then any. When you start to love someone they become so charismatic such that there is nothing ill about them. You view them positively in anything they do and say, after all ever one wants to be viewed positively with and exception of HIV positive status. To fall in love is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world you will ever find. More so, it feels great to love and to be loved in return with the same percentage you express. It hurts just like placing your finger in the burning non- luminous flame when you find out that the ones you’re willing to suffer and die for don’t waste their time to worry about you.

If your lover plays you, does that supposed to mean that she doesn’t love you? And does true love exists between two hearts or one toward one soul? When you cheat on your girl who truly loves you only to wet your manhood in other girls then you don’t want to share her with other guys is that being fair? You can go playing your girl secretly but I assure you that she’s doing the same and if not then count on it. Thank God ‘because you don’t have any evidence. You re fooling her and she’s fooling you too both pretending to be faithful and innocent. Hahaha this is even funnier to me! Don’t think that she’s stupid because she does not give a damn about your creepy games-she even saw the love messages you sent and received in your phone but she never asked you. So you think she’s stupid, ah? Trust me that if you truly love her as you claim then you wouldn’t have fallen in love with another girl.

Perhaps as at now because we have discussed a lot with you you’re now reasoning like a philosopher, of course asking yourself question and trying to find their answers yourself for yourself. My English literature teacher calls it soliloquies. Now when you’re done with that think twice about your relationship, but before that let me share this with you; my grand pa once told me....

Copy right-Tito John Msembi

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